How to keep Sterling Silver jewelry from tarnishing?

The noble silver colour of 925 sterling silver stays shiny and glamorous for many years, but with time, natural processes cause oxidisation and tarnishing. The next few tips will help you to keep your silver's glow.

  • Clean your silver jewelry with a cleaning cloth- using these cloths to clean silver once a week or so will keep sterling silver jewelry shining brightly. It should remove all dark stains and oxidisation, however, if the piece of jewelry has intentional dark definitions, using this cloth may remove it as well, use the cleaning cloth carefully.  
  • Store the jewelry in a box, close drawer or in a zip lock plastic bag, it will prevent the tarnishing and getting them scratched. 
  • Taking a shower with your silver jewelry is allowed and even recommended. Water and soap will help keeping the silver clean.
  • When doing cleaning chores and using cleaning products (for example doing the dishes), it is advisable taking off all jewelry. Chemicals in the cleaning product may harm the jewelry and will cause tarnishing.
  •  Entering to the sea or the pool with jewelry is not recommended, the chlorine and the salty water can damage the silver.
  •  Avoid any contact of silver with perfume, or lotions.
  • During the summer silver jewelry will tarnish quicker then usual, caused by the oxidisation from our sweat and the humidity in the air.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Jewelry

Two metal rings Although stainless steel jewelry doesn’t tarnish or corrode, it can scratch.
Stainless steel jewelry is pretty easy to clean. Simply follow these steps:

  • Pour some warm water in a small bowl, and add some mild dish washing soap.

    Dip a soft, lint-free cloth in the soapy water, and then gently wipe the stainless steel jewelry with the damp cloth until the piece is clean.
    When cleaning it, rub the item along its polish lines.

  •  Wipe the remaining soap off your jewelry using a moist cloth dipped in clean water.

  • Dry the jewelry well with a clean towel, and then leave your pieces to air dry.
    After your stainless steel jewelry is clean, you can use a jewelry polish or a polishing cloth to shine it.
    Some people use toothpaste to clean the especially dirty spots of their stainless steel pieces.
    Keep in mind, however, that toothpaste is abrasive. If you decide to use it for cleaning, make sure it is a non-whitening brand that does not contain silica, and use a soft cloth to rub the paste onto your pieces.
    Don’t forget to rinse the jewelry thoroughly after you are done.
    Maintaining and Storing Stainless Steel Jewelry
    Although stainless steel jewelry doesn’t tarnish or corrode and doesn’t require special care, it can scratch.
    That’s why you should wear and store your pieces in a way that minimizes any contact with other items that can damage your stainless steel jewelry.
    If your jewelry does get scratched, you can always have it professionally polished by a jeweler.
    Store your stainless steel pieces separately from jewelry made of other metals. It is best if you keep your stainless steel items in individual bags or pouches.